Migrating to Canada requires proper planning, one of which is adequate information about the job market. Getting a job eases the process of moving to another country which ultimately reduces one’s financial burden.
It’s therefore, important to study the jobs in Canada that are in high demand.
With this, you can work on strategies that is sure on landing you a job once you arrive in Canada and also getting the right credentials.
Top Jobs for Immigrants in Canada With Competitive Salaries
1. Pharmacist
A pharmacist ensures the approved supply of medicine by the law. They could also prescribe the appropriate medicine to patients and also advise them on the usage.
This largely depends on the patient’s condition. To become a pharmacist requires a bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy, completion of the national board examination and practical experience.
Average salary is $105,896 per year or $50.91 per hour.
2. Electrician
Apprenticehsip programs for electricians are available all over the country.
Electricians can offer numerous services such as electrical wiring, installation and repairing, testing electrical systems and many more.
Average salary is $68,250 per year or $35 per hour.
3. Accountant
The maintenace of financial records and books rests solely on accountants.
They help businesses and individuals to review, maintain, audit financial records and also file income tax returns.
To be a certified accountant, it is required for one to acquire a university degree, a professional training program or one can be trained on the job.
The average salary for an accountant is $58,988 per year or $30 per hour.
4. Sales Representative
This is one of the high paying jobs in Canada for immigrants.
To be eligible for this position, one must have superb marketing skills, a bachelor’s degree and some experience. It’s helpful to be able to communicate in multiple languages especially English and French.
The average salary for a sales representative is $50,000 per year or $25.64 per hour.
5. Driver
Canada is known for its long roads as well as truck driving. The combination of this makes driving quite interesting. The driver ensures the safe transportation of passengers and cargo from one place to another.
Average salary is $77,195 per year or $25.89 per hour.
6. Marketing Manager
The success of every business is dependent on marketing managers. They conduct researches to know customer preferences and undertake marketing strategies.
To be a marketing manager, a bachelor’s degree in marketing, effective communication, leadership, experience is crucial.
Salary is $74,031 per year or $37.96 per hour.
7. Engineering Project Manager
Engineering project managers are responsible for directing and examining everyday operations of teams, proposal reviews and observe the budget and cost analysis of projects.
A Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, work experience and a regional practice license are necessary to secure a role.
Average salary is $89, 887 per year or $46.10 per hour.
8. Account Manager
Networking and connecting with customers is key in landing a role as account manager. Extroverts have a higher chance of securing these position.
Requirements are business management degrees and soft skills such as good communication skills, value based selling, leadership, and good customer service.
Average salary is $60,000 per year or $30.77 per hour.
9. IT Project Manager
The continous innovation of technology causes the sector to grow at a fast pace. The role is suitable for individuals who are development-oriented and know how to manage IT projects.
However, there are no compulsory certifications or licenses, getting project management certifications such as PMP Certification is necessary.
Average salary is $95,495 per year or $45.91 per hour.
10. Business Analyst
The responsibilities of a business analyst includes planning, monitoring, budgeting, financing, and opportunity management. A bachelor’s degree is needed for this position.
Average salary is $73,655 per year or $35.41 per hour.
11. Software Engineer
Software engineering requires being skilled in multiple programming languages. It includes analyzing, modifying, designing, testing applications to meet user needs.
Having a bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering and or other related courses is required.
Average salary is $95,000 per year or $48.72 per hour.
12. Nurse
As a result of its successful healthcare system, nurses are high demand. They identify symptoms, administer medications and work with other healthcare professionals to optimize patients; treatments.
To secure this role, one has to be an internationally registered nurse and also complete an application with the National Nursing Assessment Service.
Average salary is $72, 874 per year or $37.37 per hour.
13. Welder
Welders deal with metals, arranging pieces and repair damanges. The completion of secondary school and a three year aprrenticeship program or work experience is required.
Knowing how to operate machines is also a plus.
Average salary is $63,210 per year or $30.39 per year.
14. HR Manager
Business and organizations requires HR managers. They are responsible for the HR department and also ensure the hiring of staff, implementing company policies, staff payment and many more.
Average salary is $88, 353 per year or $42.47 per hour.
15. Administrative Assistant
Administrative assistants take calls, plan meetings and appointments and many more. It is necessary to have a secondary school certificate or a year of college to secure this position.
Average salary is $42, 234 per year or $21.66 per hour.
16. Optician
Opticians work hand in hand with opthamologists and optometrists. They helps in finding the right glasses and lenses for customers.
To secure a role, one must complete a two or three year college program in optical science or other relatec courses and also have experience in clinical practice and a license to practice.
Average salary is $53, 691 per year or $25.81 per hour.
17. Veterinarian
Working as a veterinarian allows one to meet with numerous pets every day. However, vets are responsible for treating wounds, performing surgeries, administering medications and ensuring the general wellness of animals.
To become a vet, one must complete two years of pre-vet university studies or a college program in health sciences and a five year degree in Vet medicine.
Average salary is $90,574 per year or $46.45 per hour.
18. Sales Associate
A sales associate is a close contact with customers. Responsibilities are assisting and educating customers, being friendly and polite with them.
A high school diploma is required and one can also be trained on the job. One might also have to earn a degree in business administration or other related fields.
Average salary is $38,041 per year or $18.28 per hour.
19. Cloud Architect
Cloud Architects are IT professionals who oversee organizations’ cloud computing strategies. To secure a role, getting a degree, necessary skills and experience are essential requirements.
Average salary is $121,800 per year or $62.64 per hour.
20. Recruitment Specialist
Recruitment specialists help businesses employ the right prospect for a position. To do this, a bachelor’s degree and years of experience is required.
Average salary is $52,424 per year or $25.20 per hour.